Introduction to Relationship Development Intervention
A recorded workshop on understanding the impact of coregulation on the mental development of a child
A recorded workshop on understanding the impact of coregulation on the mental development of a child
If we are looking at building spontaneous communication in our children then it is important to work on Co-regulation as conversations (verbal or non-verbal) is highest form of coregulation. Thus, coregulation should be achieved before we work on speech and language. Without coregulation, chilren tend to become rote learners hence they are not able to generalize their langauge for spontaneous conversations. For succesful conversations with our children, it is important that they learn through natural guiding relationship from their parents. After a point, Speech Therapy needs support of coregulation to work on collaborative conversations, as mere having a vocabulary and language does not address it.
Co-regulation is also the most important foundation to help our children regulate themselves and have intrinsic motivation for various social tasks, communication and feeling sense of competence. A new connection in the brain is formed when child gets an experience of feeling competent through his/her own thinking (not when told or instructed by others). This is the model of typical brain development human beings have acquired through thousands of year of evolution and AUTISM does not change it.